Work Experience

German Federal Statistical Office (2020-today)

Development of concepts and process modelling for register-based determination of population figures as well as procedures for quality assurance and conception of data transmission.

Team GESIS Panel (2017-2020)

Responsibility in survey statistics, support of field activities, data preparation, documentation and geocoding. Application of machine learning methods (with R and Python) to predict panel dropout. Creation of automated reports, dashboards and apps with flexdashboard, Shiny and R-Markdown. Engagement in open science and teaching (e.g. Summerschool courses and Rstats courses ).

GESIS Team Statistics (2012-2017)

Consulting on statistics and data analysis for numerous clients at universities, research institutes and ministries, e.g. for linking survey and geodata. Planning and implementation of workshops on survey statistics and data analysis with R; Projects on validation and imputation for the German Census 2011.

Chair for Economic and Social Statistics University of Trier (2008-2012)

Application of Big Data technologies for simulations in the field of survey statistics using High Throughput Computing (HTCondor) . Participation in national (e.g. Zensus 2011 Stichprobenforschungsprojekt ) and international research projects (e.g. in 7th FWP projects of the EC AMELI and BLUE-ETS ). Organisation and implementation of courses, e.g. on small area and multilevel methods and support of qualification work .