(1) The least-squares estimates are not unique. There are an infinite set of solutions available and most of these solutions overfit the data.
(2) In many instances the result will be computationally infeasible.
When we experience these concerns, one alternative is to use regularized regression (also commonly referred to as penalized models or shrinkage methods) to control the parameter estimates.
Regularized regression puts contraints on the magnitude of the coefficients and will progressively shrink them towards zero. This constraint helps to reduce the magnitude and fluctuations of the coefficients and will reduce the variance of our model.
Regularization is a technique used to prevent overfitting by artificially penalizing model coefficients.
Regularization is the process of adding information in order to solve an ill-posed problem or to prevent overfitting.
{ height=40% }
library(rsample) # data splitting
library(glmnet) # implementing regularized regression approaches
library(dplyr) # basic data manipulation procedures
library(ggplot2) # plotting
library(knitr) # for tables
ames_data <- AmesHousing::make_ames()
is used for reproducibilityinitial_split
is used to split data in training and test dataset.seed(123)
ames_split <- rsample::initial_split(ames_data, prop = .7,
strata = "Sale_Price")
ames_train <- rsample::training(ames_split)
ames_test <- rsample::testing(ames_split)
Ridge regression (Hoerl, 1970) controls the coefficients by adding $\lambda\sum_{j=1}^p\beta_j^2$ to the objective function.
This penalty parameter is referred to as “$L_2$” as it signifies a second-order penalty being used on the coefficients.
This penalty parameter can take on a wide range of values, which is controlled by the tuning parameter $\lambda$.
When $\lambda=0$, there is no effect and our objective function equals the normal OLS regression objective function of simply minimizing SSE.
As $\lambda \rightarrow \infty$, the penalty becomes large and forces our coefficients to zero.
Exemplar coefficients have been regularized with $\lambda$ ranging from 0 to over 8,000 (log(8103)=9).
Although these coefficients were scaled and centered prior to the analysis, you will notice that some are extremely large when $\lambda\rightarrow 0$.
We have a large negative parameter that fluctuates until $log(\lambda)\approx 2$ where it then continuously shrinks to zero.
This is indicates multicollinearity and likely illustrates that constraining our coefficients with $log(\lambda)>2$ may reduce the variance, and therefore the error, in our model.
But how do we find the amount of shrinkage (or $\lambda$) that minimizes our error?
does not use the formula method (y ~ x) so prior to modeling we need to create our feature and target set.model.matrix
function is used on our feature set, which will automatically dummy encode qualitative variablesmodel.matrix(...)[, -1]
to discard the interceptames_train_x <- model.matrix(Sale_Price ~ ., ames_train)[, -1]
ames_train_y <- log(ames_train$Sale_Price)
ames_test_x <- model.matrix(Sale_Price ~ ., ames_test)[, -1]
ames_test_y <- log(ames_test$Sale_Price)
# What is the dimension of of your feature matrix?
## [1] 2054 307
to perform a Ridge ($\alpha = 0$), Lasso ($\alpha = 1$), or Elastic Net $(0\leq \alpha \leq 1)$ model.glmnet
is doing two things that you should be aware of:(1.) It is essential that predictor variables are standardized when performing regularized regression. glmnet
performs this for you. If you standardize your predictors prior to glmnet
you can turn this argument off with standardize=FALSE
(2.) glmnet
will perform Ridge models across a wide range of $\lambda$ parameters, which are illustrated in the figure on the next slide.
ames_ridge <- glmnet(x = ames_train_x,y = ames_train_y,
alpha = 0)
plot(ames_ridge, xvar = "lambda")
applies 100 $\lambda$ values that are data derived.head(ames_ridge$lambda)
## [1] 289.0010 263.3270 239.9337 218.6187 199.1972 181.5011
and TotRms_AbvGrd
features for the largest $\lambda$ (279.1035) and smallest $\lambda$ (0.02791035) are visible.coef(ames_ridge)[c("Gr_Liv_Area", "TotRms_AbvGrd"),100]
## Gr_Liv_Area TotRms_AbvGrd
## 0.0001108687 0.0083032186
coef(ames_ridge)[c("Gr_Liv_Area", "TotRms_AbvGrd"), 1]
## Gr_Liv_Area TotRms_AbvGrd
## 5.848028e-40 1.341550e-37
provides a built-in option to perform k-fold CV, and by default, performs 10-fold CV.ames_ridge <- cv.glmnet(x = ames_train_x,y = ames_train_y,
alpha = 0)
min(ames_ridge$cvm) # minimum MSE
## [1] 0.01955871
ames_ridge$lambda.min # lambda for this min MSE
## [1] 0.1542312
# 1 st.error of min MSE
ames_ridge$cvm[ames_ridge$lambda == ames_ridge$lambda.1se]
## [1] 0.02160821
ames_ridge$lambda.1se # lambda for this MSE
## [1] 0.5169216
ames_ridge_min <- glmnet(x = ames_train_x,y = ames_train_y,
alpha = 0)
plot(ames_ridge_min, xvar = "lambda")
abline(v = log(ames_ridge$lambda.1se), col = "red",
lty = "dashed")
coef(ames_ridge, s = "lambda.1se") %>%
filter(row != "(Intercept)") %>%
top_n(25, wt = abs(value)) %>%
ggplot(aes(value, reorder(row, value))) +
geom_point() +
ggtitle("Top 25 influential variables") +
xlab("Coefficient") +
1) Load the lars
package and the diabetes
2) Load the glmnet
package to implement ridge regression.
The dataset has three matrices x, x2 and y. x has a smaller set of independent variables while x2 contains the full set with quadratic and interaction terms. y is the dependent variable which is a quantitative measure of the progression of diabetes.
3) Generate separate scatterplots with the line of best fit for all the predictors in x with y on the vertical axis.
4) Regress y on the predictors in x using OLS. We will use this result as benchmark for comparison.
5) Fit the ridge regression model using the glmnet
function and plot the trace of the estimated coefficients against lambdas. Note that coefficients are shrunk closer to zero for higher values of lambda.
6) Use the cv.glmnet function to get the cross validation curve and the value of lambda that minimizes the mean cross validation error.
7) Using the minimum value of lambda from the previous exercise, get the estimated beta matrix. Note that coefficients are lower than least squares estimates.
8) To get a more parsimonious model we can use a higher value of lambda that is within one standard error of the minimum. Use this value of lambda to get the beta coefficients. Note the shrinkage effect on the estimates.
9) Split the data randomly between a training set (80%) and test set (20%). We will use these to get the prediction standard error for least squares and ridge regression models.
10) Fit the ridge regression model on the training and get the estimated beta coefficients for both the minimum lambda and the higher lambda within 1-standard error of the minimum.
11) Get predictions from the ridge regression model for the test set and calculate the prediction standard error. Do this for both the minimum lambda and the higher lambda within 1-standard error of the minimum.
12) Fit the least squares model on the training set.
13) Get predictions from the least squares model for the test set and calculate the prediction standard error.
Rather than the $L_2$ penalty we use the following $L_1$ penalty $\lambda\sum_{j=1}^p | \beta_j | $ in the objective function. |
{ heigth=60% }
Lasso improves the model with regularization and conducts automated feature selection.
When a data set has many features, Lasso can be used to identify and extract those features with the largest (and most consistent) signal.
plot(ames_lasso, xvar = "lambda")
with alpha=1
is used to perform cv.ames_lasso<-cv.glmnet(x=ames_train_x,y=ames_train_y,alpha=1)
## [1] "lambda" "cvm" "cvsd" "cvup" "cvlo"
## [6] "nzero" "name" "glmnet.fit" "lambda.min" "lambda.1se"
min(ames_lasso$cvm) # minimum MSE
## [1] 0.02246344
ames_lasso$lambda.min # lambda for this min MSE
## [1] 0.00332281
# 1 st.error of min MSE
ames_lasso$cvm[ames_lasso$lambda == ames_lasso$lambda.1se]
## [1] 0.02482119
ames_lasso$lambda.1se # lambda for this MSE
## [1] 0.01472211
plot(ames_lasso, xvar = "lambda")
Though originally defined for least squares, Lasso regularization is easily extended to a wide variety of statistical models including generalized linear models, generalized estimating equations, proportional hazards models, and M-estimators, in a straightforward fashion.
Lasso’s ability to perform subset selection relies on the form of the constraint and has a variety of interpretations including in terms of geometry, Bayesian statistics, and convex analysis.
The Lasso is closely related to basis pursuit denoising.
coef(ames_lasso, s = "lambda.1se") %>%
tidy() %>%
filter(row != "(Intercept)") %>%
ggplot(aes(value, reorder(row, value), color = value > 0)) +
geom_point(show.legend = FALSE) +
ggtitle("Influential variables") +
xlab("Coefficient") +
# minimum Ridge MSE
## [1] 0.01955871
# minimum Lasso MSE
## [1] 0.02246344
Elastic-Net is a compromise between Lasso and Ridge.
Elastic-Net penalizes a mix of both absolute and squared size.
A generalization of the Ridge and Lasso models is the Elastic Net (Zou and Hastie, 2005), which combines the two penalties.
performs an equal combination of penaltieslasso <- glmnet(ames_train_x, ames_train_y, alpha = 1.0)
elastic1 <- glmnet(ames_train_x, ames_train_y, alpha = 0.25)
elastic2 <- glmnet(ames_train_x, ames_train_y, alpha = 0.75)
ridge <- glmnet(ames_train_x, ames_train_y, alpha = 0.0)
, which just allows us to apply the same CV folds to each model.# maintain the same folds across all models
fold_id <- sample(1:10, size = length(ames_train_y),
# search across a range of alphas
tuning_grid <- tibble::tibble(
alpha = seq(0, 1, by = .1),
mse_min = NA,
mse_1se = NA,
lambda_min = NA,
lambda_1se = NA
Now we can iterate over each $\alpha$ value, apply a CV Elastic Net, and extract the minimum and one standard error MSE values and their respective $\lambda$ values.
for(i in seq_along(tuning_grid$alpha)) {
# fit CV model for each alpha value
fit <- cv.glmnet(ames_train_x, ames_train_y,
alpha = tuning_grid$alpha[i],
foldid = fold_id)
# extract MSE and lambda values
## # A tibble: 11 x 5
## alpha mse_min mse_1se lambda_min lambda_1se
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 0 0.0198 0.0227 0.141 0.623
## 2 0.1 0.0205 0.0237 0.0365 0.134
## 3 0.2 0.0210 0.0243 0.0182 0.0736
## 4 0.3 0.0213 0.0249 0.0122 0.0539
## 5 0.4 0.0215 0.0249 0.00912 0.0404
## 6 0.5 0.0216 0.0250 0.00729 0.0323
## 7 0.6 0.0217 0.0255 0.00608 0.0296
## 8 0.7 0.0218 0.0255 0.00521 0.0253
## 9 0.8 0.0219 0.0255 0.00456 0.0222
## 10 0.9 0.0219 0.0255 0.00405 0.0197
## 11 1 0.0220 0.0256 0.00365 0.0177
tuning_grid %>%
mutate(se = mse_1se - mse_min) %>%
ggplot(aes(alpha, mse_min)) +
geom_line(size = 2) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymax = mse_min + se, ymin = mse_min - se),
alpha = .25) +
ggtitle("MSE +/- one standard error")
the same model on a new data set.# some best model
cv_lasso <- cv.glmnet(ames_train_x, ames_train_y, alpha = 1.0)
## [1] 0.02036225
# predict
pred <- predict(cv_lasso, s = cv_lasso$lambda.min, ames_test_x)
mean((ames_test_y - pred)^2)
## [1] 0.02040651
- Classification and Regression Trainingcaret
package **library(caret)
train_control <- trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10)
caret_mod <- train(x = ames_train_x,y = ames_train_y,
method = "glmnet",
preProc = c("center", "scale", "zv", "nzv"),
trControl = train_control,
tuneLength = 10)
## glmnet
## 2054 samples
## 307 predictor
## Pre-processing: centered (113), scaled (113), remove (194)
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold)
## Summary of sample sizes: 1849, 1848, 1847, 1850, 1849, 1849, ...
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
## alpha lambda RMSE Rsquared MAE
## 0.1 0.0001335259 0.1529759 0.8626587 0.09899496
## 0.1 0.0003084622 0.1529697 0.8626702 0.09899085
## 0.1 0.0007125878 0.1527312 0.8630945 0.09882473
## 0.1 0.0016461703 0.1523040 0.8638461 0.09858775
## 0.1 0.0038028670 0.1518043 0.8647353 0.09829651
## 0.1 0.0087851163 0.1511589 0.8658996 0.09792048
## 0.1 0.0202947586 0.1512482 0.8658861 0.09846301
## 0.1 0.0468835259 0.1542133 0.8616162 0.10095388
## 0.1 0.1083070283 0.1613716 0.8525304 0.10562397
## 0.1 0.2502032890 0.1783894 0.8378278 0.11798124
## 0.2 0.0001335259 0.1530144 0.8625906 0.09901019
## 0.2 0.0003084622 0.1529054 0.8627844 0.09893138
## 0.2 0.0007125878 0.1526093 0.8633042 0.09873037
## 0.2 0.0016461703 0.1520597 0.8642754 0.09843475
## 0.2 0.0038028670 0.1515362 0.8652246 0.09801179
## 0.2 0.0087851163 0.1511130 0.8660407 0.09800962
## 0.2 0.0202947586 0.1531822 0.8629272 0.10015289
## 0.2 0.0468835259 0.1583264 0.8557192 0.10357302
## 0.2 0.1083070283 0.1713989 0.8406963 0.11319420
## 0.2 0.2502032890 0.2015887 0.8196545 0.13607965
## 0.3 0.0001335259 0.1530175 0.8625852 0.09901246
## 0.3 0.0003084622 0.1528417 0.8628943 0.09887464
## 0.3 0.0007125878 0.1524303 0.8636143 0.09862411
## 0.3 0.0016461703 0.1519261 0.8645281 0.09829674
## 0.3 0.0038028670 0.1513782 0.8655399 0.09792851
## 0.3 0.0087851163 0.1517901 0.8649707 0.09874489
## 0.3 0.0202947586 0.1548532 0.8604377 0.10124984
## 0.3 0.0468835259 0.1631931 0.8487612 0.10712019
## 0.3 0.1083070283 0.1804627 0.8317568 0.12000176
## 0.3 0.2502032890 0.2242488 0.8048855 0.15383093
## 0.4 0.0001335259 0.1530032 0.8626107 0.09900104
## 0.4 0.0003084622 0.1527835 0.8629949 0.09883071
## 0.4 0.0007125878 0.1522777 0.8638796 0.09853749
## 0.4 0.0016461703 0.1517960 0.8647653 0.09816823
## 0.4 0.0038028670 0.1512813 0.8657246 0.09790412
## 0.4 0.0087851163 0.1527729 0.8634153 0.09973034
## 0.4 0.0202947586 0.1567219 0.8575524 0.10244652
## 0.4 0.0468835259 0.1674084 0.8431901 0.11030906
## 0.4 0.1083070283 0.1900641 0.8220999 0.12713979
## 0.4 0.2502032890 0.2456477 0.7968665 0.17219318
## 0.5 0.0001335259 0.1529694 0.8626695 0.09897170
## 0.5 0.0003084622 0.1527206 0.8631031 0.09877948
## 0.5 0.0007125878 0.1521743 0.8640690 0.09847427
## 0.5 0.0016461703 0.1517015 0.8649410 0.09808645
## 0.5 0.0038028670 0.1514410 0.8654740 0.09816784
## 0.5 0.0087851163 0.1535069 0.8622717 0.10039370
## 0.5 0.0202947586 0.1585892 0.8546972 0.10366586
## 0.5 0.0468835259 0.1711919 0.8386196 0.11310210
## 0.5 0.1083070283 0.1988715 0.8144491 0.13394394
## 0.5 0.2502032890 0.2677720 0.7874492 0.19208881
## 0.6 0.0001335259 0.1529457 0.8627110 0.09894655
## 0.6 0.0003084622 0.1526476 0.8632329 0.09872871
## 0.6 0.0007125878 0.1521007 0.8642136 0.09841560
## 0.6 0.0016461703 0.1516403 0.8650668 0.09805262
## 0.6 0.0038028670 0.1516698 0.8651021 0.09848230
## 0.6 0.0087851163 0.1541771 0.8612517 0.10084110
## 0.6 0.0202947586 0.1606510 0.8515691 0.10511838
## 0.6 0.0468835259 0.1751425 0.8337697 0.11597593
## 0.6 0.1083070283 0.2072075 0.8085757 0.14014121
## 0.6 0.2502032890 0.2895134 0.7807597 0.21111363
## 0.7 0.0001335259 0.1529182 0.8627588 0.09892152
## 0.7 0.0003084622 0.1525582 0.8633865 0.09868078
## 0.7 0.0007125878 0.1520463 0.8643179 0.09835732
## 0.7 0.0016461703 0.1515912 0.8651754 0.09802856
## 0.7 0.0038028670 0.1519555 0.8646544 0.09881899
## 0.7 0.0087851163 0.1548004 0.8603025 0.10119692
## 0.7 0.0202947586 0.1627999 0.8483414 0.10680467
## 0.7 0.0468835259 0.1792009 0.8286142 0.11899322
## 0.7 0.1083070283 0.2158269 0.8020943 0.14685245
## 0.7 0.2502032890 0.3123587 0.7639857 0.23129960
## 0.8 0.0001335259 0.1528934 0.8628024 0.09889940
## 0.8 0.0003084622 0.1524796 0.8635221 0.09864034
## 0.8 0.0007125878 0.1519877 0.8644285 0.09830023
## 0.8 0.0016461703 0.1515406 0.8652735 0.09802800
## 0.8 0.0038028670 0.1522942 0.8641256 0.09918411
## 0.8 0.0087851163 0.1554853 0.8592392 0.10161487
## 0.8 0.0202947586 0.1649098 0.8451450 0.10842937
## 0.8 0.0468835259 0.1832344 0.8233507 0.12199727
## 0.8 0.1083070283 0.2242570 0.7962765 0.15379654
## 0.8 0.2502032890 0.3360986 0.7248864 0.25185135
## 0.9 0.0001335259 0.1528683 0.8628464 0.09887948
## 0.9 0.0003084622 0.1524011 0.8636585 0.09859931
## 0.9 0.0007125878 0.1519283 0.8645367 0.09825245
## 0.9 0.0016461703 0.1514541 0.8654270 0.09800839
## 0.9 0.0038028670 0.1526743 0.8635214 0.09958496
## 0.9 0.0087851163 0.1562250 0.8580869 0.10208126
## 0.9 0.0202947586 0.1667279 0.8425633 0.10988380
## 0.9 0.0468835259 0.1869510 0.8187765 0.12486550
## 0.9 0.1083070283 0.2328192 0.7897299 0.16118585
## 0.9 0.2502032890 0.3598416 0.6471565 0.27230177
## 1.0 0.0001335259 0.1528421 0.8628890 0.09885896
## 1.0 0.0003084622 0.1523370 0.8637698 0.09856552
## 1.0 0.0007125878 0.1518838 0.8646164 0.09822006
## 1.0 0.0016461703 0.1514135 0.8655058 0.09802221
## 1.0 0.0038028670 0.1530411 0.8629353 0.09994305
## 1.0 0.0087851163 0.1570340 0.8568153 0.10261590
## 1.0 0.0202947586 0.1683894 0.8402729 0.11115096
## 1.0 0.0468835259 0.1904441 0.8148559 0.12743546
## 1.0 0.1083070283 0.2409139 0.7855310 0.16832017
## 1.0 0.2502032890 0.3805446 0.5646772 0.29026265
## RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
## The final values used for the model were alpha = 0.2 and lambda
## = 0.008785116.
Elastic Nets allow us to control multicollinearity concerns, perform regression when $p>n$, and reduce excessive noise in our data so that we can isolate the most influential variables while balancing prediction accuracy.
# https://cran.rstudio.com/web/packages/biglasso/biglasso.pdf
A comprehensive beginners guide for Linear, Ridge and Lasso Regression